config: name: "request methods testcase with functions" variables: foo1: config_bar1 foo2: config_bar2 expect_foo1: config_bar1 expect_foo2: config_bar2 base_url: "" verify: False export: ["foo3"] teststeps: - name: get with params variables: foo1: bar11 foo2: bar21 sum_v: "${sum_two(1, 2)}" request: method: GET url: /get params: foo1: $foo1 foo2: $foo2 sum_v: $sum_v headers: User-Agent: HttpRunner/${get_httprunner_version()} extract: foo3: "body.args.foo2" validate: - eq: ["status_code", 200] - eq: ["body.args.foo1", "bar11"] - eq: ["body.args.sum_v", "3"] - eq: ["body.args.foo2", "bar21"] - name: post raw text variables: foo1: "bar12" foo3: "bar32" request: method: POST url: /post headers: User-Agent: HttpRunner/${get_httprunner_version()} Content-Type: "text/plain" data: "This is expected to be sent back as part of response body: $foo1-$foo2-$foo3." validate: - eq: ["status_code", 200] - eq: ["", "This is expected to be sent back as part of response body: bar12-$expect_foo2-bar32."] - name: post form data variables: foo2: bar23 request: method: POST url: /post headers: User-Agent: HttpRunner/${get_httprunner_version()} Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data: "foo1=$foo1&foo2=$foo2&foo3=$foo3" validate: - eq: ["status_code", 200] - eq: ["body.form.foo1", "$expect_foo1"] - eq: ["body.form.foo2", "bar23"] - eq: ["body.form.foo3", "bar21"]